Te Pā news and events
TVNZ Marae segment on Hōkai Rangi with Kelvin Davis
Hōkai Rangi: The plan to reduce Māori in prison from 52 percent to 16
Hōkai Rangi is a long-term strategy which aims to drastically cut the number of Māori in prison...
Former prisoners carve out new future with art
Those leaving prison face huge barriers, with 60 percent reoffending within two years of their...
PARS opening
Early this month we officially opened our new offices on Carrington Road, Mt Albert. We had a...
Section 501: The Documentary
Section 501: The Documentary Produced by Notable Pictures Bold and unflinching Section 501 is a...
League star Richie Barnett to mentor Australian deportees
Robert is determined to "be happy" back in...
Section 501: coming home sweet home?
Under Section 501 of Australia's Migration Act all non-citizens who fail a character test are sent...
Why New Zealand Is Furious About Australia’s Deportation Policy
By Sylvia Varnham O’Regan On the night of Sept. 11, 2015, security cameras in a prison in...