The signing of PARS’ modernised constitution in 2020 heralded a new era in PARS’ evolution; strongly positioning our commitment as a kaupapa Māori provider to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to the needs of our tangata and whānau.
Integral to this process was the development of PARS’ governance model to encompass two distinct groups who share and believe in the values and principles of PARS, under a mana ōrite (shared respect and responsibility) framework – Ngā Tangata Whenua board members representing Māori as tangata whenua, and Ngā Tangata Tiriti board members representing the Churches, including PARS’ foundation member Churches. The paramount intention of the framework is that there will always be a balance of equal representation of Ngā Tangata Whenua and Ngā Tangata Tiriti members on the Board.
This model of Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti governance provides the strong foundation needed to ensure we achieve our purpose of responding positively to community needs and vulnerable whānau, and to realise our vision of a living, thriving ecology of care that heals, restores and transforms.
We are delighted to introduce our new Tangata Whenua board members: Professor Tracey McIntosh, Jade Stevens, Eruera Lee-Morgan and Graham Tipene. Each is a leader in their own field and brings to PARS rich and diverse knowledge and skills in business, academia, the arts, education, leadership and more, plus a wealth of experience in advisory and governance roles. All are active within their communities, living out their deep commitment to Aotearoa and its people, and as board members will be supporting and providing guidance to PARS’ CEO in enacting our Te Pā strategic plan.
We are honoured to have such distinguished rangatira join PARS’ whānau.

Professor Tracey McIntosh, MNZM (Ngāi Tūhoe)
Professor of Indigenous Studies and Co-Head of Wānanga o Waipapa School of Māori Studies and Pacific Studies at The University of Auckland.
As a Māori scholar, Prof. McIntosh actively seeks outcomes that allow Māori to flourish and where the benefit of research and practices accrues to the broader collective. Her research focuses on processes of marginalisation and incarceration, particularly the incarceration of wāhine Māori, and brings to PARS expertise acquired through working closely with those who have lived experience of the justice system. Among her many distinctions and awards, Professor McIntosh was appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to education and social science in 2019.

Graham Tipene (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Haua, Ngāti Manu)
Lead Designer, Te Wheke Moko Design Studio.
As lead designer and founder of Te Wheke Moko Design Studio, artist Graham Tipene specialises in tā moko; depicting geneology, history, whakapapa and connection to the land and people. He also brings Te Ao Māori to civic architecture and is a sought-after contributor to crown and council led projects in Tāmaki Makaurau as a consultant and designer. Graham’s diverse background includes leadership, cultural advisor and training roles in the health and education sectors, public speaking in English and Te Reo Māori, and working with youth. He currently sits on the boards of Ngā Rangatahi Toa, Auckland Arts Festival, and the Objectspace gallery.

Jade Stevens (Whakatohea, Ngāi Tai, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Ruakawa, Ngāti Porou, Rarotonga)
Data Analytics and Performance Manager for Te Pae Herenga o Tāmaki, based at Te Whānau o Waipareira, Senior Pastor at Potter’s House Christian Church in Manukau.
Jade is a Māori Lands trustee on various boards, and prior to his current role with Te Pae Herenga, he was Collective Impact Lead at the Urban Māori Authority. His skills and experience encompass leadership over a wide range of people types and industries – including social services, education and Māori economy – and mentoring those wanting to know more about Te Ao Māori. As a board member of PARS, Jade is proud to be a part of bringing to life the essence of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, of which his great-great grandfather was a signatory.

Eruera Lee-Morgan (Ngāti Naho, Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Tūhourangi)
Senior Advisor at Te Puni Kokiri, Broadcaster, Consultant, Co-Governance Chair of MIT Rūnanga, Western Springs College and Ngā Puna o Waiorea.
Eruera is a Senior Advisor and consultant for Te Puni Kōkiri Ministry of Māori Development and has over 30 years’ experience in the media industry as an independent producer/director – notably holding many key roles within Māori Television. These experiences are complemented by a wide range of key Māori and industry networks and multiple advisory and governance roles. Eruera brings a strong voice for Māori language revitalisation and normalisation to everything he does, and his pursuit for excellence in te reo Māori me ngā tikanga and desire to raise cultural consciousness, aspirations and achievements for Māori whānau, hapū and iwi is always at the forefront of his work.
Meet the full board and read our year in review in our 2021 Annual Report here.