PARS is delighted to announce the delivery of a new service for the Out of Gate (OOG) Reintegration Service and Remand Reintegration Programme, contracted by Ara Poutama – Department of Corrections. The service will support tangata (participants) who are serving a short sentence (under two years) and those on remand (for any length of time) with reintegration services aimed at assisting participants and their whānau through the transition from prison back into the community.
Te Hokinga Mai – Raki is an innovative solution inspired by our unrelenting pursuit to improve wellbeing for tangata (participants) and their whānau, and aligns with the future direction of Ara Poutama:
Kotahi ano te kaupapa; ko te oranga o te iwi.
Let there be one unifying purpose to your work; the wellness and well-being of the people.
Te Hokinga Mai literally means “to return home”, which encompasses our ethos of supporting tangata to return to their whānau and thrive following a period of incarceration. Raki refers to the Northern Region (Auckland and Te Tai Tokerau/Northland).
PARS will deliver Te Hokinga Mai – Raki in partnership with Ngāti Hine Health Trust, Kāhui Tū Kaha and ProCare. We have a history of working together and have agreed to pool our considerable resources to deliver OOG to the Northern region. Collectively we have been delivering services to New Zealanders for over 140 years, and we are all dedicated to improving the wellbeing of our tangata and whānau. We offer a vast range of core business services, which include existing corrections/justice system services (such as reintegration services across the five prisons in the Northern region), health, education, housing, employment, cultural wellbeing, and Whānau Ora services. PARS is proud to be the lead provider for the consortium and will work collaboratively on all aspects with our partners.
The name Te Hokinga Mai – Raki also reflects an important relationship we have with another provider consortium located in the Hawkes Bay/East Coast area, Te Hokinga Mai – Takitimu-Horouta, with whom we have agreed to mutually support participants and their whānau to return home between our geographic areas. This is one of several collaborative alliances or relationships PARS has with multiple stakeholders across Aotearoa.
At PARS we look forward to the challenges that will arise and the creative solutions that our consortium will develop as we strive to heal, restore and transform the lives of our tangata and their whānau through a kaupapa Māori approach.
E hara taku toa
I te toa takitahi
He toa takitiniMy strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.