Mā Mackey proves that 100 is only a number

May 13, 2020

Today we want to acknowledge May Mackey, devoted champion for people in prison for most of her adult life. Mā, as she is affectionately known by all who are fortunate enough to know her, turned 100 years of age on the 12th of May. Proud mum of five and great-grandmother of more than 50 children, Mā is still going strong! A woman of great Christian faith, she dedicated her life to helping others; first as matron of Māori girls’ hostels, then as a prison visitor in the Department of Corrections’ Kaiwhakamana kaumātua volunteer programme, which she continued until the incredible age of 93. Her mahi was recognised with the awarding of a Queen’s Service Medal at age 98 for her “compassion and aroha and prayer support without judgment” to people in prison. 

Always gracious, Mā takes no credit for her years of dedication. In her own words, “The significance of a person is not in themselves. It’s in whom they represent.” Mā, you inspire us to be better people. Congratulations on your 100th birthday!

On behalf of the  PARS Inc Board, our CEO Tui Ah Loo, our staff and many volunteers, we would like to say thank you for being there for us. You are dearly loved by us all.

Nō reira, tēnā koe e te Māreikura