Our Partners
Mahi Tahi
Te Pā works collaboratively with multiple local, regional and national partners across New Zealand. Our partnerships enable us to deliver a wide range of services to whānau than we would otherwise do on our own. Our partnerships also help us to maintain our relevance and allow us to contribute to macro strategy and policy. Together with strategic partners, Kāhui Tū Kaha, Ngāti Hine Health Trust, Turuki Health Care, and Shea Pita & Associates, we are working towards transformational outcomes for our people to live in wellbeing with their whānau.
Our Mission
In 2018, Te Pā formed a strategic partnership with Kāhui Tū Kaha to deliver ‘Creating Positive Pathways’ (Hiki Mana Hiki Ora) to maximise the knowledge of two organisations and to give consistency in service delivery in applying Housing First principles to people being released from prison. The aim of Hiki Mana Hiki Ora is to:
Secure sustainable and suitable public housing for people
Work with people inside prison to plan and prepare their reintegration into the community
Work with them during the transition period from prison or homelessness to housing
Support them to sustain their tenancy
Facilitate access to other services required
Provide support to rebuild their whānau connection and networks of support
Adhere to the principles of Housing First
Our Mahi
Ko wai Matou?
As a kaupapa Māori organisation, Te Pā responds to community needs and vulnerable whānau. We have a substantial history working in the space of reintegration and social services and we pride ourselves on operating with a tangata and whānau centric service operating model which is reinforced with kaupapa Māori values.
Our driving philosophy is supporting tangata to lead their own change and to be the rangatira they were destined to be. We realise this by addressing the most difficult barriers, such as stigma, judgement, lack of resources and social exclusion, which prevent our tangata from reintegrating into their whānau, hapū, iwi, community and New Zealand society.
Anga Pae Tata Reintegration Services Long Servers (RSLS)
Supported and Emergency Accommodation Services
Anga Pae Tawhiti Reintegration Service for Returning Deportees
Te Hokinga Mai – Raki (Out of Gate) Reintegration Services and Remand Programme – Northern Region
Supported Employment (SE) Service
Hiki Mana, Hiki Ora (Creating Positive Pathways) - in partnership with Kāhui Tū Kaha
Kia Puawai te Kākano – Whānau Resilience Programme
Assessment and Triage Services in collaboration with Turuki Health Care
Community Connection Service - Noho Tapu. Support for tangata and whānau who have had COVID-19 to access support and services.
Community Connection Service - Noho Tapu. Support for tangata and whānau who have had COVID-19 to access support and services.
Te Ohomai Rangatahi - Specialised At-Risk Rangatahi Services
National administration of the Child Travel Fund on behalf of Prisoners Aid and Rehabilitation Societies throughout New Zealand and the Salvation Army Reintegration Service
Delivery of Hepatitis C Assessment and Linkage to Treatment Services – Northern Regional Alliance Ltd.
Delivering services to five prisons in our region: Northern Region Corrections Facility (Ngawha), Auckland Prison (Paremoremo), Mt Eden Corrections Facility, Auckland South Corrections Facility (Kohuora), Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility
Would you like to become part of the Te Pā whānau?
We need your support to stop another generation of disadvantaged children and youth. Your donation will make a difference to the futures of our children and youth, by helping us to provide services that will boost their skills and confidence, make their whānau stronger and build their capability to live full and rewarding lives. Find out how you can make a difference.